We fit most types of contact lenses, gas permeable, soft disposable, astigmatic and progressive lenses.
A contact lens needs to be comfortable and has to be able to maintain the physiological function of the eye. The cornea requires high levels of oxygen to function properly and to maintain its transparency. The lens also needs to wet well, in order for it to be comfortable?
The newest lens materials are silicon hydrogels. This material allows three times more oxygen through the lens than standard hydrogels lenses. They are also surface treated to make the lens more comfortable. There are two weekly lenses such as, Acuvue Advance and Acuvue Oaysis. There are also a new daily lens such as, Acuvue TrueEye which has a grade 2 ultrviolet filter on it. We also stock Air Optix Aqua, Ciba's monthly and daily silicone hydrogel lenses.
Most people are suitable for contact lens wear, whether the prescription is simple or more complex prescriptions. There are contact lenses available for astigmatism, presbyopia (when a reading correction is required), and coloured lenses may be used to cosmetically change the appearance of the eyes.
In order to asses the suitability for contact lens wear, the first step is a trial. This involves fitting you with a pair of lenses and allowing you a few hours to try out the lens.
The next step is to be shown how to handle the lenses, then the lenses can be taken for two weeks. Another check up is then required and the fitting fee is paid.
In three months a further check up is required, when you are the officially a contact lens wearer.
We recommend a contact lens after care appointment every six months, and a sight test every year. Aftercare is very important for safe contact lens wear
- New fit £50.00
- Re Fit £40.00
Contact Lens Price List per month (per pair)
- Daily lenses from £32.00
- Fortnightly lenses from £12.00
- Monthly lenses from £6.50
- Astigmatism lenses from £11.00
- Bifocal lenses from £15.00
Aftercare Scheme.
The aftercare scheme pays for all professional appointments. The price is £30.00 payable quarterly and includes -all appointments, contact lens aftercare and sight tests . - 20% discount on spectacles and sun specs -10% discount on solutions. However, some people wear the lenses very infrequently and the aftercare can be paid for pro rata, which just includes only the aftercare appointments.