A Sight tests paid by the NHS is available if you:
- are under 16*
- are registered as partially sighted, or severely sight impaired, with the local authority
- are aged 16,17,or 18 and in full time education*
- are aged over 60
- need complex lenses*
- are a diagnosed glaucoma patient
- are getting, or your partner gets
- Income Support*
- Income based Jobseekers allowance*
- Pension Credit Guarantee Credit*
- have been advised by an ophthalmologist that you are at risk for glaucoma
- are aged 40 and over and are a parent, brother sister, son or daughter of a diagnosed glaucoma patient
- have been registered as diabetic
- are entitled to, or named on a valid NHS tax credit exemption certificate.*
- are named on valid HC2 Certificate.
* People who fall into the above categories are also eligible for NHS vouchers towards their spectacles or contact lenses.
We provide NHS funded mobile sight tests. If you are eligible for an NHS funded sight test, you may obtain mobile services as follows:
- At home: if you are unable to leave home unaccompanied because of physical or mental illness or disability
- At a residential or care home: if you normally live there and you are unable to leave the home unaccompanied because of physical or mental illness or disability
- At a day centre: if you would have difficulty in obtaining sight testing services from practice premises because of physical or mental illness or disability or because of difficulties in communicating your health needs unaided.
Patients can request services by telephone and advise us that you cannot attend the practice unaccompanied.
For further information regarding help with NHS costs visit www.dh.gov.uk/helpwithhealthcost